
Transportation & Parking Planning and Reports

The 澳门三肖三码精准100% Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan is an important roadmap for how the College will lead in sustainable transportation actions.

A roadmap for sustainable transportation actions

"... convenient, environmentally responsible and affordable access to both campuses."

The 2019-2024 Plan represents a 5-year action plan that builds on a strong TDM foundation at the College. The primary goal of the 澳门三肖三码精准100% TDM Strategy is to provide convenient, environmentally responsible and affordable access to both campuses. The TDM Plan will help 澳门三肖三码精准100% meet its five goals which are:

  1. Reduce parking demand and total single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips.
  2. Improve the quality and diversity of active transportation choices.
  3. Improve the quality and coordination of non-SOV vehicle connections to/from campus.
  4. Maximize cost effectiveness of existing infrastructure and facilities
  5. Enhance the campus experience through transportation.

Download the Transportation Demand Management Plan, 2019鈥2024


tree stump with fungi growing

澳门三肖三码精准100% is helping to build a more sustainable future for everyone.